Amber Leigh, Fiction Author

Amber Leigh, Fiction Author

Truth makes great fiction.

About Me

I have to be honest and say…I never thought I’d be a writer.

Sure, I had some writing classes at university and I wrote a few screenplays, but books? I didn’t think I had the intellectual stamina for a feat like that!

Then, back in the summer of 2014, an evening walk around my neighborhood inspired me to write a short story. Imagine my surprise when my “short” story amounted to about a hundred pages. I’d written a novella instead!

It was the following year when I began work on An Honest Fame, a historical novel about the real-life siblings Robert and Sally Townsend. When I finished the novel, I began to query literary agents. Then the COVID-19 crisis struck, and I realized that many literary agents (if not all) might be reluctant to accept unsolicited queries from new writers due to the pandemic’s economic impact. There is also the fact that the content of my magnum opus is not exactly the trendiest at the moment, in the genre of historical fiction or in any other genre, for that matter. So I have ventured into self-publishing, and have put my work online.

And, even though An Honest Fame is a work of historical fiction, I do not want to limit my writing to that genre only. Historical fiction, though, is probably the genre I am best at, partly because it necessitates a lot of research. Maybe it sounds crazy, but I like research!